Faces of Laradon: Kaleb’s Story

Dear Laradon Friends and Supporters,

We are thrilled to introduce our new monthly series, Faces of Laradon.Through this series, we aim to bring you closer to the heart of our mission by sharing the unique stories and experiences of the incredible individuals we serve. Each month, you’ll meet a new member of our Laradon community, giving you a glimpse into their lives, their achievements, and the positive impact your support has on their journey.

Our hope is these stories will not only inspire you, but also deepen your connection to the meaningful work we do together at Laradon.

Enjoy Kaleb’s story below! 

When you walk into the Laradon School most would say they are greeted by warm lights and walls filled with vibrant drawings. Others, however, may say they were welcomed with a simple question.

“New Shoes?”

Now, you may look down to see what shoes you’re wearing and think, “are they new shoes?”, and “when did I buy these?”

Look up from your shoes. Ah, now you get it! It’s not the question itself that is important, it’s who asked it. Yes, do you see it now? A boy standing there, pointing at your shoes, with a welcoming smile.

Meet, Kaleb, a student at the Laradon School.

Anyone who knows Kaleb knows he is sociable. It’s not unusual to find Kaleb making friends on the playground between classroom lessons. 

“My favorite story of Kaleb making a friend and being a friend was when a classmate was having a rough day. Staff members tried many things to reengage the student, but nothing was working. Kaleb asked if he could help and he was able to calm them down and get them back involved with the day,” Kaleb’s parents, Erin and Dennis, recall.

With the new school year starting, there have been a few new students. Kaleb has made it his mission to ask staff members the student’s names. He then greets them in pure Kaleb fashion— with a smile, a warm ‘hello’, and ‘are those new shoes?’ 

“Kaleb has grown in so many ways during his time at Laradon. He’s become more confident in his physical abilities, making him proud of himself,” Kaleb’s parents share. 

But, Kaleb’s social skills aren’t the only area he’s grown in at the Laradon School. His parents share he has learned to become more independent and selfless. This has led to Kaleb wanting to help more at home and out in the community. Cooking, laundry, shopping for himself, and supporting his siblings— these are just a couple of skills he has gained through this independence.

“My proudest moment is his continued work with the snack stand and his employee of the month recognition. It brings him so much joy and pride to do that,” Erin says.

Simona, Kaleb’s teacher, chimes in, “He is great at working the snack stand and independently cleans up the classroom.”

Kaleb’s parents credit so much of his growth to the Laradon School, which has developed his passion to help others and to make new friends.

“To the staff who have been involved with Kaleb during his time at Laradon, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. You all have done such a fantastic job caring for all of his needs in every way possible; medical, behavioral, social-emotional, life skills, independence, the list goes on. You are his second family,” Kaleb’s parents exclaim.

And, no matter where Kaleb’s journey leads him, the memories of him and Laradon will always go together, just like a pair of shoes.

The Laradon School serves almost 60 students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Each student has an individualized education program with special education teachers and classroom paraprofessionals. Even though each student has an individualized education program, they still learn in a classroom setting with other students. Many of the students end up being friends with one another. Kaleb is no exception.



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