The Calabrese Legacy Society - Planned Giving
The Laradon Foundation created the Calabrese Legacy Society to honor and thank those who remember Laradon with a gift in their estate plans. There are many ways to do this. Some have named Laradon as a beneficiary in their wills or living trusts, while others have named it a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA, or charitable trust. A variety of options exist.
How do I become a Calabrese Legacy Society Member?
Informing us that you have included Laradon in your estate plans automatically qualifies you as a member of our Calabrese Legacy Society.
To join, simply name Laradon as a beneficiary of your planned gift and let us know by filling out our confidential Statement of Intent. Sharing this information about your gift allows Laradon to best understand your intentions, and to show our appreciation during your lifetime. Gifts of any size are graciously appreciated, and you may remain anonymous if you so choose.
To learn more, please explore the menu below. And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Alexandra Gage at or 720-974-6843. All inquiries are held in strict confidence. There is never an expectation or obligation to complete any gift.
How do I begin my legacy?
To make getting started on your plans and legacy easier, Laradon has partnered with FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating your will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online and can be completed in 20 minutes!
You can use this resource on its own, or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney.
Any Estate Gift Entitles You to Become a Member of The Calabrese Legacy Society.
These Are the Three Most Common Types of Gifts:
- Charitable Bequest – By naming Laradon in your Will or Living Trust, you create a gift today that we will receive in the future, when your estate is settled.
- Retirement Plan – You can name Laradon as a beneficiary of your IRA or company retirement plan. To include Laradon, simply request a “beneficiary change” form from your IRA custodian or Human Resources department, complete the form, and then return it according to the instructions provided. Beneficiary change forms may be available online.
- Life Insurance – You can name Laradon as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. To include Laradon, simply request a “beneficiary change” form from your life insurance company, complete the form, and return it according to the instructions provided. Again, most companies make beneficiary change forms available online.
Other Types of Gifts May Include:
- Charitable Gift Annuity – A gift annuity is a simple contract in which Laradon Foundation agrees to pay you (and/or another person) an annuity for life, in exchange for a gift you make today.
- Charitable Remainder Trust – In the right situations, a charitable remainder trust can provide powerful financial, tax, and estate planning benefits. You donate assets into trust for the eventual benefit of Laradon. In the interim, the trust pays income to you and/or your designated income beneficiaries.
- Charitable Lead Trust – A charitable lead trust can provide support for Laradon, before returning the assets to you or transferring them to your future heirs with little or no gift or estate tax.
Retained Life Estate – You can donate a residence to Laradon and still retain the right to live there for the rest of your life.
Revocable Gifts
The future is uncertain. However, you can still create a planned gift today while simultaneously retaining control over these assets for the balance of your life. Such gifts are called revocable gifts. You can change your mind. You have total control.
Unless you are confident that you will not outlive your assets, a revocable estate gift is almost always the best option. These gifts are generally one of the following:
- Bequest in a Will or Living Trust
- Beneficiary Designation in IRA or Retirement Plan
- Beneficiary Designation in Life Insurance Policy
- Pay-on-Death arrangement for a bank account
By naming Laradon in your will, living trust or as a beneficiary, you can protect yourself against an uncertain future. Should you ever need these assets, they are available. If not, your gift will come to Laradon exactly as you desire.
Revocable vs. Irrevocable Gifts
The IRS provides important tax incentives to encourage support for charitable organizations. To qualify for any given tax benefit, a gift typically must be irrevocable. Stated another way, a gift must be complete and not one a donor could ‘reclaim’ in any way.
Clearly, an irrevocable gift only should be made after proper reflection and consultation with your legal and financial advisors. However, with proper planning, such gifts can provide important income and tax benefits for you and your heirs.
Examples of these gifts include Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Lead Trusts and Charitable Gift Annuities.
It is always advised and appropriate to consult with your professional advisors when considering an estate gift. The following information can help your advisor facilitate any gift you might wish to make:
Purpose: Laradon’s Mission is to be an organization of excellence that provides superior, individualized services to children and adults with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities, supporting their independence in daily life and maximizing their full potential.
Federal Tax Identification Number: 84-0412621
Address: 5100 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80216 Phone: 303-296-2400 Web:
Brokerage Information
Laradon gratefully accepts gifts of publicly traded securities. Donating securities in appreciated positions may help maximize an individual’s tax benefit, as the associated charitable income tax deduction is typically based on the full fair market value of the security. No capital gains tax would be payable by the donor or Laradon.
Recommended Language for Bequests and Testamentary Gifts:
Sample language for a specific bequest to Laradon Foundation through a will or living trust:
“I give to Laradon Foundation, 5100 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80216, a Colorado non-profit corporation, the sum of $_______ [or ______% of my estate; or the property described herein], for its general purposes.”
Sample language for a residuary bequest to Laradon Foundation is:
“I give to Laradon Foundation, 5100 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80216, a Colorado non-profit corporation, all [or ____%] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for its general purposes.”
Beneficiary Designation
A person wishing to support Laradon Foundation through a retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy, should request a Beneficiary Change Form from his/her company or plan administrator. Beneficiary Change forms are typically available online. Please indicate the desired gift amount or percentage and return/submit the completed form as instructed by their company or plan administrator.
Other Arrangements
Laradon Foundation may also accept estate gifts through other arrangements, including Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead Trusts. Laradon Foundation prefers not to serve as Trustee for these gifts.
Purpose of Gift
Donors who make estate or outright gifts may designate their gift for a specific purpose. Such gifts can be designated to meet current needs or to support an endowed fund for the specified purpose. Options can include:
- General Endowment – to be invested as approved by the board of directors
- Designated Endowment – invested as approved by the board and used for designated purpose
- Current Program – used for designated purpose as needed
- Unrestricted – Funds will be put to their highest and best use
In addition, a donor who wishes to contribute $25,000 or more may establish a Named Endowment Fund and may specify the program or activity that will utilize these funds (may be subject to board approval). Typically, these funds are named in honor of the donor, his or her family, or another individual.
Please contact The Laradon Foundation at or 720-974-6843 for more information about these options.
Laradon created the Calabrese Society to honor and recognize those who remember us with an estate gift. This provides us with an opportunity to say “thank you” during a person’s life.
Since some donors prefer to remain anonymous regarding an estate gift, Laradon honors and respects those wishes. We would appreciate the opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for an estate gift whenever possible.
In some cases, a client may allow an advisor to share his/her name with the Calabrese Society; in others, an advisor can play a helpful role in forwarding a ‘Thank You’ letter to a client, while still preserving client anonymity. Laradon places great importance on thanking people for their confidence and generosity, while respecting their wishes in every instance.
Calabrese Living Legacy Society Members
Blake and Amy Wilson
Mark and Cheri Gully
Suzanne Bradeen
Martha Karnopp
Don and Laraine Meyers
Alexandra Thompson
Alexandra Eva Nicole Gage
Calabrese Legacy Society Members
In Memory Of
Bruce E. Bahem
Connie M. Barnes
Mary J. Barrack
Morton Blager
Louise Brewer
Edward B. Brunderlin
Ruth Bustar
Fannie Cersonsky
Constance Cornelius
Charles DeVoe
Roy Alvin Eastin
Mary Frazzini
Albert W. Gebauer
Maybelle A. Goetz
Lewis Leonard Hansen
Velma J Holly
Mary Jane Hosford
Emma J Irish
Wardell Johnson
Ellen Kunde
Johnny P. LaSalle
Minnie O. Lee
Melba Lewis
Roland and Evora Lewis
Evelyn M. Lynch
Doris Marchand
Nellie Mumford Matthews
Alice McElheny
Wilbur Meyer
Emma M. Miller
Kathleen Moad
Robert E. Nabb
Otto J. Neal
Albert L. Otzenberger
Irene Phillin
Katherine Reichhold
Lore Roth
Arnold Schrameyer
Marilyn H. Shaw
Lawrence E. Shumaker
Glen E. Shuster
Mary Frances Simms
Robert J. Slattery
William F. Smith
Vera A. Stone
Louise Waddington
Francis W. Warren
Mildred Whittington
Chuck Willmott